This basic design was used in a number of larger craft pre-dating it and would define Imperial ships for decades to come. Consequently, the Acclamator favored a wedge or dagger shaped design due to its effectiveness - it allowed concentration of firepower while minimizing target profile. Type: Rothana Heavy Engineering Acclamator II Class Trans-Galactic Military Assault Ship Scale: Capital Length: 752 Meters Skill: Capital Ship Piloting. Its mission profile required it to both carry troops and engage enemy starships - the Acclamator was designed to assault contested systems, break hostile orbital blockades, and land troops directly on the battlefield.

The Acclamator-class assault transport was 752 meters long, 460 meters in width, and 200 meters in height. It was the predecessor of the Star Destroyer line. The 752-meter-long Acclamator -class is armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated as high as 200 gigatons per shot.The Acclamator-class assault ship, alternatively referred to as Republic assault ship, was an assault-class capital ship created for the Galactic Republic by Rothana Heavy Engineering. The Acclamator Mark I is often credited as the predecessor to the fearsome Star Destroyer Line. Is the Acclamator Mark 1 a Star Destroyer? How many hull points does an Acclamator have?Īrmed with a formidable number of red and black dice forward and a total of eight shields and seven hull points, Acclamator-class assault ships are cost-effective additions to Imperial squadrons emphasizing forward firepower. In addition to being a warship and a military transport, some Imperial Acclamators were used as slave ships, transporting large quantities of enslaved people to various Imperial penal colonies during the Galactic Civil War. What was the Acclamator used for in Star Wars? The Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship, also known as Acclamator-class Republic assault ship, Acclamator-class Planetary Assault Ship, or Acclamator-class battleship, or Acclamator-class cruiser, was a type of cruiser -class proto- Star Destroyer utilized by the Galactic Republic for ferrying clone troopers across the galaxy. Frequently Asked Questions What kind of ship is the Acclamator class?